Was Moe Berg a spy, a baseball catcher, both, neither? In Episode 50, the story of the most enigmatic spy ever to wear a trench coat...or baseball uniform. Episode 050 — Spy Catcher29 Aug, 2017 in Podcasts tagged Government / Sports by Jay Douglas
4 Ready (almost) to take Broadway by storm, the behind-the-scenes joys and sorrows of that great, deliberative body, the U.S. Senate. As told in story and song. Body In Motion3 Aug, 2017 in Humor tagged Entertainment / Government by Jay Douglas
4 Whatever he does, the president makes news. Especially when he makes the news. Making The News6 Jul, 2017 in Humor tagged Government / Media by Jay Douglas
2 When the president of Iran called President Trump's talks with the Saudi king "just a show," he had no idea how right he was. Crowning Moment25 May, 2017 in Humor tagged Government / Television by Jay Douglas
4 What would it mean if, just if, Russia hacked the wrong election? Monopolizing The Conversation30 Mar, 2017 in Humor tagged Government / Popular Culture / Satire by Jay Douglas
4 Mark Twain reportedly (but incorrectly) said, “Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.” Whoever did say it didn't reckon on our president. Under The Weather23 Feb, 2017 in Humor tagged Government / Science by Jay Douglas