Dr. John Harvey Kellogg is considered to be one of the true visionaries of the healthy-lifestyle movement---or a leading candidate for induction into the Snake Oil Salesman Hall of Fame. It all depends upon what you believe about corn flakes and masturbation.
Peanut butter is about as All-American as Montreal. Or Tenochtitlan. Its All-American status began with a doctor who also thought corn flakes would cure masturbation.
I was not so crazy about Francine. It was nothing personal. I was 10 and she was a girl, that's all. But, my mother would slip me a couple of dimes every now and then with instructions to ask Francine out for an egg cream. Which I did. I'm sure Francine and I were both in it for the egg creams.
My therapist insists my not sleeping through the night is nothing more than a bad habit I picked up many years ago, and that it will go away once I admit that mommy isn't bringing her little precious a bottle. My wife, however, has another theory.
America may be the land of the free and the home of the brave, but the welcome mat is definitely not out for our excess cheese. All 1.19 billion pounds of it (not a typo). What can we do?