2 Put your hand down, Scrooge. You may have found the real meaning of Christmas, but to explain the real meaning of humbug we need P. T. Barnum. Makes You Wonder
2 When the president of Iran called President Trump's talks with the Saudi king "just a show," he had no idea how right he was. Crowning Moment
You can't get a man with a gun? Hah. Tell that to Mary Shanley. She got a thousand of them, some of whom were women. Giving It Her Best Shot
2 My friends have told me there is no reason to suspect that the Ukrainians are spying on us. Then how do they explain my hair stylist, Stefan? How To Tell If Your Hair Stylist Is A Ukrainian ...
4 Live in New York City long enough and, chances are, you'll pick up a bit of a New York accent. Even if you're deaf. Talk Of The Town
2 A Canadian invention poses a threat to another one of our great industries: innovative ways of committing suicide. Making A Killing