4 From hearts carved on a tree to heart emojis, that little heart shape resembles none of our 78 internal organs. Why? Sure the human heart is as romantic-looking as a plate of lime Jell-O. But, let's just say mistakes were made. Have A Heart
4 What controls our behavior? Do we have free will? Or are we constrained by our family tree? The truth will profoundly affect your life. Especially if you're married. Heredity Matters — Pass It On
4 Back in 1874, a U.S. Post Office letter carrier, Benjamin W. Salisbury, began a practice that has continued through the years. If you haven't heard about it you have no idea what you're missing. Take A Letter
2 Do you know the name of the third most-often sung song in America? (Hint: Numbers one and two are the "Star Spangled Banner" and "Happy Birthday.") You've probably sung it scores of times. Too bad you don't know the words. Hit Music
6 Why spend half your life waiting for that saggy, droopy and baggy look that says you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? Here's a faster, simpler and painless way to get that all-important world-weary look now. Art of Darkness
8 Can wrinkled bedsheets destroy the potential for a romantic evening? Here's what one expert has to say. (FOR THE RECORD: The expert is my wife.) Sleep On It