
Once Upon a Rhyme - The Out Of My Mind Blog 4
Neil Dickinson, the Limerick Laureate of Facebook (and maybe the real life as well), doesn't believe that limericks should be reserved for bawdy occasions, like when the men folk retire to the sitting room with cigars and brandy to act like locker-room adolescents. If he had his way, he'd put limericks in every greeting card for every occasion.

Once Upon A Rhyme

Debt We Owe to Wrecking Crew 4
“People tell me they don’t make music like they used to,” said Denny Tedesco, writer and producer of The Wrecking Crew. “I disagree.” I had told him that I found the pop music of the day a travesty in human evolution, despite the blood oath I took at 22 not to turn into my parents. Tedesco was trying to talk me down off the ledge.

Notes From The Past