People have always struggled to remember passwords, which we can see if we look more deeply at the history of passwords through the ages. Forget It16 Sep, 2016 in Humor tagged Technology by Jay Douglas
6 Universities have come out of the closet---sorry, the ivory tower---and admitted they're corporations. And the last thing corporations need is students. Business School9 Sep, 2016 in Humor tagged Education / Lifestyle by Jay Douglas
4 There's no Hair Club for Shins. Once they get shiny you have to live with it for the rest of your life. There ought to be a law. Or at least a lawsuit. The Shining2 Sep, 2016 in Humor tagged Legal / Manliness / Medical by Jay Douglas
4 If you don't know much about coyotes, they are dog-like creatures with the soul of a wolf and the voice of a Florence Foster Jenkins. They also like to hunt in my backyard. When The Big Game Is In Your Backyard26 Aug, 2016 in Humor tagged Manliness / Nature by Jay Douglas
4 There are three bad combinations in this world: oil and water; nitro and glycerin; and my wife and HGTV. Home Wreckers19 Aug, 2016 in Humor tagged Lifestyle / Media / Relationships by Jay Douglas
12 When your wife comes up with a better mousetrap what can possibly go wrong? All The Trappings12 Aug, 2016 in Humor tagged Nature / Relationships by Jay Douglas