Alan Freed contributed a great deal to integration in this country. By getting white teenagers to listen to music by black artists, he drew people together.
“I couldn't be more excited.” restauranteur and chef Pfkespalier said when asked how he felt about closing his new restaurant after less than six weeks. “How often can you make a thousand times on your investment before you've bribed your first health inspector?"
The George Washington Bridge is larger. The Golden Gate Bridge is more colorful. Yet no one knows how many bills of sale for the Brooklyn Bridge are lying at the bottoms of safe deposit boxes, their owners too amused, or too embarrassed, to get rid of them. Why do so many people want a bridge to Brooklyn?
My wife doesn't want me contributing to the possible resurgence of a national halitosis epidemic. Or, more likely, contributing to a resurgence that can be traced back to our address.
If you're traveling this summer, you're about to become the beneficiary of a failed policy that allows just about anybody to declare himself a signage expert with absolutely no government oversight.